วันเสาร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Magic Land (FB) - New Item From Small Tree!

Magic Land from Wooga
The social adventure game from Wooga, Magic Land. In Magic Land player have to adventure and complete goals to help prince and princess of King Artie from the Dragon. Player can collects money, runs business, kills monsters, and also do farming, too. Moreover, there are some decorating item such as flowers, fountain, balloon, hedge, pond, etc. Player can landscape their own Magic Land by moving item or clear grass, tree or  rock: a topic to be mentioned today :)

New Item from Small Tree!

First of all, let see what is a small tree and what is the difference among those trees!

Apple Tree

Pine Tree

Small Tree

And new item that drops from Small Tree are:

Almonds, drop from Small Tree

Eggs, drop from Small Tree

Hope you enjoy playing Magic Land, paradise on Social Network Game :)